Sebastian Klawiter

Sebastian Klawiter Studio is a research led practice for architecture, urban design and craft. Participative in our approach, we design and research in various constellations and  scales to develop site-specific architecture, installations, exhibitions and processes. Since 2016, Sebastian Klawiter has been working in research and teaching at various universities. In 2019/20, he was  appointed as guest professor at Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart (@abkstuttgart),  co-founded the collective Stadtlücken (@stadtluecken) and was fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude(@akademiesolitude) 2021/ 22.    

Currently, Sebastian teaches at the Technical University of Munich, sustainable urbanism (@architecture.tum). 2023/ 24 he is part of the new art in public space program, Stuttgart and opens together with Fanti Baum the artistic-participative laboratory “Das Gebrochene der Stadt”.

Schalung | Experiment | 2015    
Sebastian Klawiter schalung hocker möbelexperiment
Sebastian Klawiter schalung hocker möbelexperiment
Sebastian Klawiter schalung hocker möbelexperiment
Sebastian Klawiter schalung hocker möbelexperiment
Sebastian Klawiter schalung hocker möbelexperiment