Ideas for the Ethnological Museum of the Future | Stuttgart | 2020
Panel Moderation: Museum Architecture/ Museumsarchitektur with Hanna Noller
Like many ethnological museums, the LindenMuseum is undergoing a process of transformation. In an increasingly diverse society, we must renegotiate the role and relevance of ethnological museums. The support provided through the Initiative for Ethnological Collections enables us to experimentally develop the basis for a new orientation. Following the principle of the laboratory, we develop and test new forms of museum knowledge production, mediation, and presentation in eight LindenLabs.
The second section focused on the role of architecture of and for museums. What possibilities does a new building offer for the work of museums? What is its relationship to the city and its inhabitants? Using examples and ideas from various fields of architectural practice, the contributors will open up perspectives on these issues. Complemented by perspectives from Stuttgart, the subsequent panel discussed how the interplay between the tasks and spatial requirements of a museum and its social role in the city can be implemented in an attractive architectural design.
Peter Vaughan Studio Asfi Khan, Museums und Ausstellungsarchitektur
Michiel Riedijk, Neue Museen: Auf der Suche nach einem Ausdruck